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This is important for you:

Escort Me website is self managed once you sign up and add your listing. You can login and change your information/ location, images and prices as often as you please- you can also delete your account. This allows girls complete freedom over their listings- no silly rules, no restrictions on you, no nosey “account manager’ monitoring what you do- our system is smart, self managed and best of all – much better value for you!

Quality not quantity: Escort Me reserves the right to decline any application to list on our website- your Listing must be approved before it will be shown. This will usually take  less than 24 hrs. Please try to provide “SEXY” photos to help your application. 80% of your application is based on the photos you submit. It is this website’s objective to be “Sexy” and thus we primarily seek girls and photos that fit that description in a generalsense (our decision is final).

To became a “verified” escort, send us by email a picture of you holding in your hands a sign saying “escort me”. The picture can be taken by you, and it must show your face. This is ONLY to verified your profile, and will NO be posted on your profile listing

To detele your profile, please send us an email to with your nick name and the reason.

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